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Turcomp Charity: Sabah Heroes Project
Giving is not just about make a donation, it’s about making a difference. In collaboration [...]
Annual Flow Control Training for the Year 2020
Turcomp’s Annual Flow Control Training has returned, was held from November – December 2020. This [...]
Profi Grand Opening
Ulu Tiram, Johor, October 10th, 2018; Mr. Ling Kui Hung, Director of Turcomp BMB Sdn [...]
API 6A & 6D
Certification for Manufacture of Actuators, Casing & Tubing Heads, Chokes, Valves at PSL 1, PSL [...]
Annual Flow Control Training for the Year 2014
Turcomp’s Annual Flow Control Training has returned, held from 17-21 November 2014 at Awana Genting [...]
Expansion of Turcomp Kuala Lumpur Office
On 26 December, 2013 Kuala Lumpur office marked her new milestone by opening the new office [...]
MPOB International Palm Oil Congress 2013 (PIPOC 2013)
Turcomp recently participated in the 3 days MPOB International Palm Oil Congress 2013 (PIPOC 2013), [...]
Annual Flow Control Training for the Year 2013
The much anticipated Annual Flow Control Training was held for 5 consecutive days, 11-15 November, [...]